Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Dirty Dancing, Salon link. You'll have to watch a little ad to read the whole article, which is worth it, considering I'm quoted in it. OR click on this NO AD version.

Here I pop in at McSweeney's to dispense more wisdom.

I share design advice as well.

I used to drive an ambulance.

I am not a jumper, running back, account executive, convenience store entrepeneur, hazee, or murderer (see bottom of column). Did I miss anything?

(Googling yourself is fun, but Amazoning yourself is even better.)

Friday, March 19, 2004

The Greatest Love Poems of All Time

This afternoon, I've been collecting real love poems for a fictional anthology.

Here's a nugget of Whitman I've been storing in my cheeks, for use ten chapters from now:

As if a Phantom Caress’d Me

As if a phantom caress’d me,
I thought I was not alone, walking here by the shore;
But the one I thought was with me, as now I walk by the shore—the one I loved, that caress’d me,
As I lean and look through the glimmering light—that one has utterly disappear’d,
And those appear that are hateful to me, and mock me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Out there now:

"Sentimental Recollection" at GutCult.